Sunday, December 11, 2011

jieha status :D

Expecting is my favorite crime. Disappointment is my punishment.

It's never about how many times you've been in a relationship, it's about how you make each other worth it.

ABSENCE - makes you realize how much you really need them

Don't hide your feelings from someone who show you theirs.

If someone lied to you, it always end w/ 2 conclusion. It's either : it was for your own good, or you weren't good enough to hear the truth.

I'm trying really hard not to cry over you.. because every tear is just one more reminder that i don't know how to let you go.

I love it when you text me. I love it more when you call me. But i love it most when you're right here, beside me.

If you like someone, tell them. Don't spend your time fantasizing about something that could really be reality.

to love a guy is interesting but hard to forget .. :'(

Sometimes you don't realize your own strength until you come face to face with your greatest weakness.

I was lookin for the One. Now i'm feeling Dumb for Thinkin' it was you

If i can go back in time & change things, i'll say the words i never said, do the things i never did, & wouldn't let "US" end.

You know he really cares when he asks what's wrong, and when you tell him nothing, he stays there waiting for the real reason.

Whenever i see Sweet Couples, deep inside i wish i have that kind of Love.

There are days when i miss u, but i refuse to text you. not because i dont want to, but because i know in the end, i'll never have you.

Roses are red. Violets are blue.. You're cute, can i have you? (':

Don't you understand, it's my feelings you're playing with?

There are days when i miss you, and there are days when i don't. Either way, i remember you everyday

Some people accidentally walk on your feet and apologize, while others walk all over your heart and don't even realize.

Don't lose yourself trying to hold on to someone who's not even scared of losing you.

I pretended that i'm okay even though i'm not, because i want you to think that you didn't hurt me.

Its funny how people start paying attention to you when your silent..

Relationships last long NOT because they are destined to last long; but because two brave people made a choice to keep fighting for it.

Sometimes a heart cannot afford to be 'just friends'.

If you carry the bricks from your past relationship to the new one, you will only build the same house

We may love the wrong person, cry for the wrong reason. But one thing is sure, mistakes help us to find the right person.

Don't mix between my personality and my attitude, because my personality is ME and my attitude depends on YOU.

Never love someone so much that there isn’t anymore room for you to love yourself.

If people judge you for your mistakes, just feel sorry for them, for simple minds are usually amused by simple things.

So many girls fall in love with the wrong guy, simply because the wrong guy usually says all the right things.

She smiles at the right times, she laughs at the right moment. But more than anyone else, she knows how to cry.

Never expect. Never assume. Never ask. And never demand. Just let it be. If it's meant to be, it will happen.

Beauty isn't about looks, makeup or clothes. True beauty comes from being yourself. the more you show who you are, the prettier you'll be. ♥

If you tell a girl a secret, & she says she won't tell ANYONE, just know that it doesn't include her best friends... or their best friends.

Having a rough night? Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? That's called purpose. You're alive for a reason. Don't give up

Bad things happen to you to make you realize your true potential, strength, will power, and heart. Have faith and stay strong!

A strong woman takes risks, takes compliments and tries not to take herself too seriously.


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